DVA: appropriation for funds received from other state agencies [Sec. 771m, n] -
Act 55DVA authorized to design an official ``Wisconsin Disabled Veteran-Owned" logotype; DOA provision -
Act 384DVA grants to counties and tribes for improvement of services revisions and expenses eligible for reimbursement specified [Sec. 1465, 1465m-o] -
Act 55Military funeral honors program eligibility [Sec. 1459-1464] -
Act 55Nonprofit organizations that serve veterans and their families: DVA grant program created -
Act 383Unclaimed cremated remains in custody of a funeral director, cemetery authority, or public officer: contacting DVA, county veterans service officer, or local veterans service organization required to determine if the person was a veteran or eligible for burial at a veterans cemetery; civil liability exemption provision -
Act 382Veteran employment grants transferred from DWD to DVA [Sec. 734, 3097-3103] -
Act 55Veterans appearing on behalf of the state: DVA may reimburse travel expenses [Sec. 1439] -
Act 55Veterans employment and entrepreneurship grant program created, DVA duties and report required; veteran employment grants repealed -
Act 385Wisconsin veterans home: DVA grants to local governments providing assistance to [Sec. 768k-pb, 1458r, rb, 9449 (1q)] -
Act 55Prescription drug monitoring program changes re timing of submission of records, disclosure of records, and review of patient's records exemptions; DSPS Secretary to notify LRB when the program is operational; emergency rule and personally identifiable information provisions -
Act 266Veterinary Examining Board transferred from DSPS to DATCP; background investigation provision [Sec. 128, 190, 483, 1058, 1453, 1905-1906b, 2597-2599, 2613, 2614, 2617m-2621, 2636-2640, 3518-3521, 4110, 4111, 4319, 4372, 4373, 4383, 4384, 4468, 4473, 4475, 4476, 4490-4502, 4740, 9138 (5), 9238 (3)] -
Act 55Veterinary Examining Board: transferring certain powers and duties not transferred under 2015 WisAct 55 -
Act 179Regulation of dams on navigable waters: DNR authority revised [Sec. 1066g, 3524g] -
Act 55villageVillage, see also name of specific village
Building permit form for one- and two-family dwellings: DSPS required to establish an electronic processing system and furnish municipalities standard permit form in an electronic format; municipal authority duties and certificate of financial responsibility provision -
Act 211Incorporation of certain towns contiguous to 3rd class cities: new method created; sunset and referendum provisions [Sec. 1959e] [partial veto] -
Act 55Ledgeview, Town of: special provision regarding the incorporation of repealed -
Act 13Town located entirely on an island in Lake Superior and authorized to exercise village powers: county shoreland zoning ordinance does not apply if a more restrictive town ordinance is enacted -
Act 146Election law revisions re write-in candidate registration, reconvening of board of canvassers to count absentee and provisional ballots, caucus used to nominate certain candidates, date an ordinance or resolution must be submitted to electors at the next election, affixing a sticker to a ballot, and a school board referendum -
Act 37Compatible offices and positions: EMT, volunteer fire fighter, or first responder whose compensation does not exceed set amounts may also hold an elective office in the same city, town, or village -
Act 341Foreign adoption and guardianship decrees: effect and recognition of provisions; State Registrar duties re certificate of birth data -
Act 380MPCP research: ``qualified independent researcher" defined and access to department databases; confidentiality and fee provisions [Sec. 1696m, 1767m, 1833t, 2012t, 3076c, 4714g, 9408 (2q)] -
Act 55Vital records available in electronic system for vital records issuance: State Registrar or any local registrar allowed to issue certified copies; domestic partnership added to public use indexes -
Act 157Vital records for events occurring before October 1, 1907: prohibition against making them available in electronic format repealed and allowing copying of uncertified copies; stamped ``Not For Identity Purposes" required -
Act 142Photo ID cards issued by local governments can only be used for specified employment purposes and may not be used for voting, registration for voting, or to obtain public benefits -
Act 374Electronic voter registration provisions created; special registration deputies eliminated and election registration officials created; testing chief inspectors permitted; further revisions re electronic voting systems, electronic voter registration list, absentee ballots, veteran ID cards, and proof of residency; Elections Commission and Ethics Commission members subject to standards of conduct for state public officials and filing statements of economic interest clarified; limit on political action committee contributions to certain segregated funds and campaign contributions for other persons established; GAB and DOT duties -
Act 261UI law changes re recovery of employer UI debt under the federal Treasury Offset Program, work-share programs, and combined-wage claim determinations -
Act 86Franchisor excluded as the employer of a franchisee or employee of franchisee for specified purposes unless certain conditions are met -
Act 203State minimum wage law revisions, living wage provisions replaced with minimum wage requirements, and living wage ordinance prohibition eliminated; definitions, DWD duties, and emergency rule provisions [Sec. 1706m, 3076d-t, 3078am, b, bm, c, cm-m, 3947g, r, 4610b, d, 4639m, 9451 (7f)] -
Act 55Wage subsidy not more than minimum wage: DCF and W-2 agency to negotiate with employers of persons in Transform Milwaukee Jobs Program, Transitional Jobs Program, and Trial Employment Match Program [Sec. 1721, 1743, 1744] -
Act 55Franchisor excluded as the employer of a franchisee or employee of franchisee for specified purposes unless certain conditions are met -
Act 203Prevailing wage law as applied to local projects of public works repealed; federally determined rates required on state projects; DWD administration and enforcement transferred to DOA and other revisions; exceptions, restrictions to remedies, and compliance provisions [Sec. 380n, 453xm, 1948y, 1991sd-sv, 2560p, 2569s, 3075p, 3077b-np, 3078cd, ch, 3080p, 3135c-i, 3579p, 3621p, v, 4726c-w, 4740b, 9151 (1q), 9351 (3q), 9451 (3q)] -
Act 55Ballast water discharge permit: sunset date eliminated [Sec. 4203] -
Act 55DNR to issue a general permit authorizing DOT to discharge storm water from the site of a transportation activity, individual permit provisions; effluent limitations for new and modified point sources of pollution revisions -
Act 307Environmental improvement fund: revisions to programs funded by; clean water fund program and safe drinking water loan program modified, ``nonprofit noncommunity water system" replaced with ``serves a local governmental unit" [Sec. 53, 868q, 869, 1023, 3918, 4119-4183] -
Act 55Nonpoint source water pollution abatement projects: general obligation bonding authority increased; environmental fund provision [Sec. 636g, 870] -
Act 55Point source pollution abatement projects: administrative rule authority eliminated re DNR financial assistance [Admin.Code NR 128] -
Act 76Pollution abatement debt service: appropriation changed to sum sufficient [Sec. 640] -
Act 55Producer led watershed protection grants created, emergency rule provision [Sec. 485, 2629, 9102 (2)] -
Act 55Regulation of navigable waters, artificial water bodies, wetlands, and nonpoint source pollution revised; DNR duties -
Act 387Urban nonpoint source water pollution abatement and storm water management projects and municipal flood control and riparian restoration program: general obligation bonding authority increased; local assistance grants and cost-sharing grants may not exceed certain percentage of eligible costs [Sec. 871, 4188t, 4189d] -
Act 55Water quality management plan for Dane County: DNR to approve or reject revisions [Sec. 4203d-m] [4203m -- partial veto] -
Act 55Water quality standards and variances to water quality standards: DNR review required; phosphorus variance and EPA provisions -
Act 205Energy savings performance contracting revisions re water conservation and metering accuracy improvement [Sec. 1949b-q] -
Act 55Environmental improvement fund: revisions to programs funded by; clean water fund program and safe drinking water loan program modified, ``nonprofit noncommunity water system" replaced with ``serves a local governmental unit" [Sec. 53, 868q, 869, 1023, 3918, 4119-4183] -
Act 55Producer led watershed protection grants created, emergency rule provision [Sec. 485, 2629, 9102 (2)] -
Act 55Buoys or other markers placed, or failure to place, in waterways: civil liability immunity created, DNR permit provision; no immunity for intentional damage or injury -
Act 91Dam safety projects: DNR bonding authority increased [Sec. 873] -
Act 55Florence Wild Rivers Interpretive Center: appropriation for DNR grant -
Act 260Lake monitoring and protection: purposes for which DNR may pay costs under contract expanded and DNR may use portion of funding designated for river protection grants -
Act 250Regulation of dam water flow revised [Sec. 1066j-t] -
Act 55Regulation of dams on navigable waters: DNR authority revised [Sec. 1066g, 3524g] -
Act 55Regulation of navigable waters, artificial water bodies, wetlands, and nonpoint source pollution revised; DNR duties -
Act 387Residual contamination after a hazardous substance cleanup: requirements revised; voluntary party liability exemption created, partial cleanup provision; DOJ, DNR, and DATCP duties -
Act 204River protection grants changed to biennial appropriation and unencumbered balance transfer provision eliminated [Sec. 638] -
Act 55Southeastern Wisconsin Fox River Commission for the Illinois Fox River basin: jurisdiction expanded, board of commissioners modified, and other administration changes -
Act 226Sporting heritage grants and Fox River Navigational System Authority funding repealed; funding for Southeastern Wisconsin Fox River Commission; forestry and fire prevention study revised [Sec. 635, 635d, 1036c-e, 1057, 3949, 3950, 9132 (4c), 9432 (1c)] -
Act 55State park and forest roads and roads along LWSR funding [Sec. 640g, r, 2569m] -
Act 55Structures placed in navigable waterways and wetlands re fish and wildlife habitat creation: civil liability exemption created -
Act 220